Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Liturgy for Change in Pastoral Leadership

This is an original liturgy that I wrote for a worship service in a United Methodist Church. The senior pastor of six years has been appointed to serve elsewhere now, and this will be the first week in his absence before the incoming pastor arrives in July.

The scriptural reading for the day will be Joshua 1:1-9 (NRSV), so the other elements of the service incorporate that text, as well as a nod or two to it being Father's Day and a significant event in the life of the congregation.

Bold font indicates that the entire congregation reads the portion aloud.


One: We gather in this place meant for service and sacred conversation.
All: Hear God's word to Moses:
The place where you are standing is holy ground.

One: But this is just one of many places where we can encounter God.
All: Hear God's word to Joshua:
I will be with you wherever you go.

One: We travel near and far, seeking the God who is ever-present.
All: Hear God's word to Moses:
I AM. This is my name forever.

One: We bring with us our fears and our failures.
All: Hear God's word to Joshua:
Be strong and courageous.

One: We trust in God's Word; God's presence and promise.
All: Steadfast and sure, God leads us in every age and season.


Loving God, you who are our father and our mother, we thank you for giving us life and teaching us to live. We thank you for all of the family and friends, leaders and communities who have nurtured us and guided us. Forgive us when we lose our way. Forgive us when we forget that we belong to each other. Teach us to recognize your presence and to trust in your promise. In the name of your Son, Jesus, we pray. Amen.


Eternal God, you do so much to prepare us for the work you would have us do. You provide resources and leadership. You enliven us with energy and inspire us with ideas. You call on us while we are still flawed and fragile people, yet you sustain us with your Spirit. Let our offerings be part of your healing, life-giving work. And in all things, help us to be ministers to one another and to the people of the world. Amen.


  1. Thanks for that Call to Worship - it was just what I was looking for!

  2. Glad to hear it! Peace to you.


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