Monday, July 4, 2011

An Independence Day Prayer

In the midst of our celebrations for Independence Day, let us also embrace an attitude of reflection and a spirit of growth.

Here is a prayer of confession from a July 3, 2011 service at a United Methodist Church. I found it poignant and pertinent.

Peace and blessings, everyone.


Dear God, we read our Declaration of Independence with humility today:

We have proven unworthy of freedom and equality, and of having and sharing the rights to life, liberty, and happiness.

We accused Britain of refusing to pass laws to encourage migration to our shores,
but we have done the same thing.

We accused Britain of depriving prisoners of a trial by jury,
but we have done the same thing.

We accused Britain of quartering large bodies of armed troops among us,
but we have done the same thing to others.

We accused Britain of economic tyranny and greed,
and now we see these same forces in ourselves.

We accused the Native Americans of undistinguished destruction,
but we have poisoned the trees and plants of Vietnam.

We accused Britain of aggression and violence,
but we, too, have not always chosen the path of peace.

Dear Lord, You have so richly blessed us,
and, at our best, we have responded to your abundant grace.
Have mercy on us, and heal our blindness and self-deceit,
especially in this time of prayer.


1 comment:

  1. Sweet Bard allusion
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    wit admiration.


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